My loving sil Jen razzed me about razzing my lil' sis for taking too long to blog, so here I am. I must warn you though as the title says, it WILL be a hodge podge of random thoughts. I can't believe school starts on Monday. Brock is very excited and we've already checked out his class room. How do kids grow so fast? One day you're bringing them home from the hospital and it seems the next dropping them off at school. Where does all that time go? It just doesn't seem like seven years have gone by. I'm thinking of checking into pre schools for Ty. Sniff Sniff.....both my babies in school, could I handle this? What is the deal? Why oh why won't my son use the potty for #2? I don't pretend to understand my little man but something has go to give! Help!!!'s beginning to feel a lot like fall! Mmmmmm! I love fall, don't you? The leaves are already beginning to turn and fall here. The air even smells different! I think camping will be in order soon! Last weekend we rented Gods and Generals. I've been wanting to watch this movie for a long long time. I enjoyed it immensely. I give it four stars. I have to admit I didn't know what to expect. The movie really is a focus of the lives of these generals (Lee & Jackson) who for years (I feel) have been painted as monsters. That's not to say that I agree with their points or motives but I do think my teaching may have been biased? It was nice to get to see them in a truer light. This movie of course (nor any other movie) will not replace my favorites: Glory and Cold Mountain. They have however become a welcome addition to the family! LOL!
Well, I could do this all day. I have about a hundred million random thoughts bouncing of the walls of my mind like hyper children at any given time. (Ok mostly at night when I'm trying to fall asleep!) Arrrgggg that annoys me! Ok seriously I could do this all day but I'll spare us all!