Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Ok it's all worked out....pwwwwww!

Gosh it's taken me a whole day to post one tiny little entry. Yesterday I created a quiz to post but I couldn't get my link to work. Every time I tried to enter and post I got a rejection notice. It just didn't like my codes! But it's ok now, you can breathe easy. I know you all missed me so very much (let me dream). Ok it's rant time. I don't know who in their "right" mind could be praying for this crazy weather but whoever you are KNOCK IT OFF ALREADY! AND TAKE MY QUIZ!
Ok all better now :)

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Borrowed Quiz Idea

I am capable of original thought, really! (ok insert hysterical laughing here)
I'll prove it sometime...but not now. I borrowed this quiz idea from one I took on MSN.
Have fun!

Take my Quiz on!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

I have the right to remain silent.....But it could cost me!

I haven't posted anything in a while I know. The truth is I just didn't think anyone would care to hear the boring details of my life the past few days. But I've been threatened by my sil to post! LOL! I haven't made any cakes, I haven't concocted any quizzes but I have been asked a very strange question. A few days ago I was standing in the kitchen when Brock approached. I wasn't surprised that he had a question. He is full of questions. I think or hope at least that this is just normal seven year old curiosity, after all he is still learning and discovering. Yet I have to wonder sometimes where he comes up with these questions. So here is the question: "Mom have you ever tasted Yak skins?"

WHAT!!!???? Have I ever tasted Yak skins? No and as of yet I don't know anyone who has tasted Yak skins. Of all things Yak skins? Can you even eat a Yak? Does a Yak taste like chicken?

Ahhhh sigh....... That's my boy!

Friday, May 12, 2006

DutchBoy Pure White

Well here they are! I am trying to recover from fumes and exhaustion. The funny part it that I'm only done with the wall cabinets! (ok almost done, yes there is that one drawer, I couldn't get the handle off needed husband power!) I still have to start the undersink cabinets. That will just have to wait until Monday. Our weekend is going to be very full! There is absolutely no room for cabinet painting! Happy Mother's Day to all my fellow Mom's in Blog Land. Get spoiled all weekend you deserve it!!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Misc Ramblings

I don't have any cake pics to post this week. I haven't made many lately. I was going to do another pizza cake for my cousin's daughter. She decided that she just didn't have the time to do an all out sleep over party so she cancelled the cake. :( Well that's ok though! It gives me time to devote to repainting our kitchen cabinets. We decided last year when we redid our kitchen to purchase less expensive unfinished cabinets. I decided to go with a pickling stain. I really liked the sample displayed at the Hardware store. My cabinets look NOTHING like the sample piece. I applied coat after coat of stain and....... not even close. I was really disappointed and now I'm just tired of looking at them. I have these great handles that match my "garden" theme but you can't even really see them because the cabinets are so dull. So I'm going to try paint this time. I want them to have a little more detail and really make my leaf pulls pop! Well keep praying that all will go well! I attached pics of the cabinets now, stay tuned for after shots! Sorry about the crooked photography! LOL!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Do You Really Know Me?

I know I know I keep stealing ideas from from sister's in law but they're really good ideas! So my sis in law Jen is responsible for this one!