Sometimes that's all you can say! I want to share what my day has been like but I'm not sure where to begin! This morning I had a major hyperventilation attack brought on by the sheer panic of not knowing where my child was. Brock had over slept. I woke him up (no big deal) then proceeded down the hall to Tyson's room. I peeked in and no Tyson. I wasn't surprised sometimes he wakes up wanders around with pillow and blanky in hand and rests quietly until someone else wakes up. So I go downstairs to say goodmorning and no Tyson. I decide not to freak out. I think to myself I must have just missed him. I go back upstairs and no Tyson anywhere. Brock and I are searching franticly shouting for Tyson and no Tyson. I checked closets,the garage, the guest room, the bathroom, outside and back in again. By this point I'm finding it increasingly difficult to breath!! I call my husband who must have thought that I'd had the worst news ever by my tone!!! I told him Tyson was gone! He said that Tyson couldn't be gone, he was just in his bed 15 minutes ago! Brock is in tears I am near tears when we go back upstairs yelling again! All of a sudden MUCH to our surprise little cute adorable Tyson comes crawling out from underneath his bed!!!!!!!!!!!
WHAT!!! I felt like such an idiot!!! How could I have checked everywhere else but not under the bed???? And all the while we're flipping out and yelling for him, my little stinker is under the bed innocently enjoying our terror! LOL! All I could do was hug him and laugh! I don't ever want to feel that way again!! I find it so difficult to imagine the horror that parents of missing children face.
Don't go just yet! On a lighter note it gets better.....sort of! I go to the grocery store happy and smiling grateful to have my little stinker in tow! Let's just say that my smile had packed up and left town before we got anywhere near the checkout lane!! AHHHHH, I think it was pick on mommy day in Tyson land!!! What happened to my sweet little angel? Who is this little person pinching and screaming? Yikes! Nothing like the whole store staring at you with that "look" in their eyes. What a morning! Oh but its not finished yet!!!
Let's just say that my cashier was less than thrilled about her job today and that her enthusiasm was well, rather low on the Richter scale! Where am I going with this? Glad you asked! I wish I'd taken a picture (didn't think of it at the time)! So ok my "happy to be here" checkout lady had bagged my food according to her mood. How's that you ask....pretty crappy! So I remove my bags from the trunk, an experience that seems uneventful, but wait!!! Oh no we can't have that!!! Let me just ask you something: have you ever cleaned an entire jar of spaghetti and cheddar cheese sauces off your garage floor? Need I say more??? I really am glad God loves me, especially today!!!