She's Back!
My laptop actually came home on Monday but this has been a pretty busy week. I've wanted to blog so badly all week but just couldn't find the time. Now that it's Friday night and I can slow down a little, I figure I should give you the news.
The FedEx man giggled at me because I was so excited to see him. I danced a little jig and clapped my hands after I opened the front door. I should have asked him if he'd ever gotten that sort of reaction before.
Guess what! I reinstalled my own hard drive! It took a while for me to figure out just exactly *where* it went but I did it! I was a little frightened as you might expect because I don't work on computers, obviously. After I replaced it, I hesitantly switched on the power button and held my breath. There was a part of me that expected it to blow up or screech at me. I'm happy to report all is well and I am thrilled to have it back!
Welcome Home Miss Laptop!