Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Happy Holiday Update and A Little Bummed!

We had a wonderful holiday season! There were sooooo many parties to attend, presents to open and people to spend time with! It was absolutely amazing. Spencer had almost an entire week of vacation time to "use or lose". It was so wonderful for the kids and I to spend so much time with him. He treated us to a holiday light festival, a pizza party and even took us to see The Bee Movie! Cute movie by the way!

It was so nice to be able to see most all of our family. We received some really special gifts this year. Honestly, the best was just being able to share so many laughs with each other and our families. I just felt so incredibly blessed this Christmas, in every way. I have to say sadly, this was the first Christmas I haven't felt completely stressed out. We were also introduced to some really fun new board games. Would You Rather and Wise or Otherwise, are extremely entertaining and I highly recommend them. Wise or Otherwise is a little pricey but worth it. My BIL and SIL found it at a specialty store but you can order it online. We plan to purchase one.

Now for the bummer section of this post. On New Years Eve, I let Brock use my laptop and afterward realized that somehow my power cord prong (the part you insert) was broken, completely busted off and stuck inside the computer. Needless to say he is banned from using Mom's laptop ever again. We're not sure if it's going to be covered under warranty and I can't use my computer at all right now. So sad!


At 4:47 PM, Blogger Lois said...

That is a bummer about your computer. And I just have to say....we had so much fun last Friday. It just wouldn't have been as much fun without you guys! Love you!

At 12:41 PM, Blogger Mandy said...

I must say it way great see you so much for Christmas. I'm sorry to here about your lab top and hope it is fixed soon.


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