Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Portabello Butt?

I had to post this! Last night I was chopping my ingredients for Veggie Lasagna and realized that I had forgotten to get the Portabello out. When I bought it I really didn't pay too much attention, but when I took it out of the package last night, I had to chuckle. Veggie Lasagna, let's see..... four cups Zucchini, two cups shredded Cheese, one Portabello Butt? LOL!

Saturday, January 27, 2007

I Would Cry!!!!

My uncle sent me an email this week, in which this photo was attached. The actual email was called "When it's ok to use a bad word." When I saw this pic I just about lost it! I can't even imagine having to deal with something like that. I mean, remember how much I freaked out when the spaghetti and cheese sauces ended up on my garage floor? YIKES!! What would you do?

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Is Everything Made Of High Fructose Corn Syrup And Fat??

Now I know that almost everyone in America resolves to exercise and lose weight each New Year. I on the other hand resolved to work harder (I've been exercising/pretending to eat healthy since September 06). Even so, I've managed to lose a miniscule amount of weight. Recently I watched a new program on the Discovery Channel, which was enlightening and depressing all at once! You on a diet, is a fantastic program. As I mentioned I found a lot of the information enlightening, on the other hand after watching the Dr. empty the fridge and pantry of all the "bad food items" I'm at a loss. I guess I just realized how "bad" our eating habits really are. (According to the smarty pants with a medical degree!) Too much red meat, not enough raw veggies, too many calories, HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP!!!! Arrggg.... have you read any ingrediant labels lately? Isn't everything that tastes good made of High Fructose Corn Syrup and fat!! It seems as though everything is high in calories, too many carbs, bad, bad, bad! For example: bread, ketchup, frozen chicken products, canned fruit, need I go on? I realize that givng up any bad habit comes with a few days (dare I say weeks) of withdraw. PEOPLE.....I am hungry! I still resolve to work harder (but do I have to eat cardboard in the process?)

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Game Mania!

How was your Christmas? Our's was tremendously blessed! It was so wonderful to spend time with our families. We received soooooooo many games this year! This is a wonderful thing, considering, we love games! We now own two CD-Rom games (Scrabble & Bookworm), and two DVD games (Newlywed Game & Deal or No Deal). In addition to that we also received three board games (Trivial Pursuit Pop Culture 2, Sequence and Ft. Wayne On Board). Fort Wayne On Board is really interesting because it is basically Monopoly but all the properties have been replaced with real places from our town. What a neat idea. We spent our New Year's playing lots of games. Too bad those games don't come with people to play them with! :(