I Would Cry!!!!

My uncle sent me an email this week, in which this photo was attached. The actual email was called "When it's ok to use a bad word." When I saw this pic I just about lost it! I can't even imagine having to deal with something like that. I mean, remember how much I freaked out when the spaghetti and cheese sauces ended up on my garage floor? YIKES!! What would you do?
I would do a whole lot more than cry. Oh MY GOSH! That poor, poor Mom.
I think someone would have to revive me from utter shock first. Then I can't even imagine what I would do. But I agree, crying would probably make the top of the list.
It looks like something my kids would do. I also think a coupje of bad words would have come out. Some one would have to save my children because I would be mad for awhile/
I've never had that happen, but Asher did pull 'poop' out of the toilet (Saige didn't flush it or it overflowed and noboby told me) and smeared it across four different rooms and made patties with it in his hands. I was outside painting the house when he came out and I saw his hands and face, and of course the smell was awful! When I took him into the house and saw smear marks on the floor, walls, tables, and anything else in his reach, I screamed. I didn't know what to clean first, him or the house. Thankfully, my friend was there and she starte picking the clumps up and washing the walls while I took him in tub to hose him off. I honestly think that I'd freak out about the paint but at the same time I'd relieved that it wasn't poop! I could smell poop in my house for several days and it took that long to find all the crevices that it dried into, it was soooo gross! By the way Asher did that more than once! :)
Oh my gosh! Ok Sara that story wins! I would have lost my mind if that had happened to me. And more than once!!! I would rather clean up paint without a doubt!!!
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