Saturday, July 21, 2007

It's true, there is more than corn in Indiana- there's also Zucchini!

I had to chuckle when I read the title of Lisanne's latest blog entry. It reminded me of these pics that we took while she was here. She complimented our neighbor on his garden which apparently prompted him to share some of it's "fruits." Or is it vegetables?

We really had a wonderful visit with the Jensens. It seems like life has been a whirlwind lately so that accounts for my delay in posting. I suppose I'll catch up someday. This really is one of the busiest summers we've had.

Monday, July 09, 2007

Family Picnic Fun!

Me with my Cousin Danielle. We've always been like sisters.
Cousin Jerry was so gracious in bringing his Fair Trailer and cooking the food for us.
A shot of a couple of our fruit bowls

This past Saturday was an absolute wonderful time for me. I was able to be apart of facilitating a reunion with my family and it was great! Our last event was about 13 years ago. Our family had some sad circumstances and differences of opinion back then. I think now more than ever, we realize how important it is to be together. I love the warm memories that I have from the day and I hope I never forget the feeling. I thank God that he made it all come together so perfectly. You can check out some more of the pics on Flickr.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

The Consequence Of Higher Gas Prices May Result In ....

........This! Yikes! This picture was part of an email my Uncle sent me today. It was totally unrelated to gas prices but that's exactly where my mind went. I've often joked with Spencer about getting a horse for transportation, a cow for milk and growing our own food due to the rising cost of EVERYTHING!!! Hmmmm could it be the Ox Wagon? The Nissan Oxima? What do you think? Share your name ideas in the comments!