Friday, June 20, 2008

Miss Piggy, Is That You?

I've been trying to let my hair grow out for what seems like forever. I always seem to flip flop when it comes to my hair. When it's short I hate it, when it's long I hate it. Lately, I've seen all these really pretty long layered styles, and I decided I'd like to have that too. On Wednesday I arrived at my salon appointment with desired cut and color in mind. I thumbed intensely through the style books to show Cherie (my stylist) just exactly what I wanted. I said "lots more blonde and cut just like this". (I usually get subtle blonde highlights.) It just didn't quite come out the way I had pictured it would. Don't get me wrong, she does GREAT work and I've been going to her for years, but I have to be honest, on my way home I wanted to cry. It's not the style so much or the color for that matter, it's the color, cut and my face!! I swear when I looked in the mirror I saw Miss Piggy staring back at me! Seriously, I think the cut is cute and the color too but it brings more attention to my face and I'm so used to hiding. I'm so self conscious that it's really taken some getting used to. Well there you have it, my review of my new cut and color. I attached some photos I took this morning. You can see for yourself.


At 5:12 AM, Blogger Lois said...

Girl, I love you so much....but you are so delusional! I think it is gorgeous and so are you! I love it. I know you are the one that has to live with it but you are *way* too hard on yourself. So, no Miss Piggy in my opinion!

At 10:01 AM, Blogger Abby said...

I really like it! I think you're beautiful :) It took me awhile to get used to my short hair because I felt the same away, I liked my long hair to "hide" my face because I'm so self conscious. But, I love it now :) Keep your chin up, I think it looks great!

At 3:28 AM, Blogger Mandy said...

I love it. It looks great and I really like the way it brings out the beauty in your face. Stop coming down on your self you gorgeous.


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