Saturday, September 29, 2007

Could Property Neglect Have Led To The Death Of Local Garden Resident?

Discretion Advised!
Photo and folloing story may be traumatizing to the very young and elderly.

Early this morning local garden rescue crews responded to an emergency call at Front Garden. Shortly after responding crews found a resident identified as Robbie Rabbit, belly up. There appeared to be no signs of foul play but an investigation is still ongoing.

Another resident of Front Garden agreed to be interviewed but wished only to be identified as "Turtle", fearing retribution from management of the Garden. "It's deplorable really, I mean these people expect us to live in this weed invested mess. Come on, seriously, there are dead plants, our mulch layer is diminishing by the day! I don't blame the guy, he just lost the will to survive." "Turtle", also told us that the management of Front Garden had been warned several times about the condition of the property. He says he is seriously considering fleeing with his family under the cover of darkness.

Officials will release the results of the investigation later this week. The lead investigator told us that he believes this will be an open and shut case. For now he has no choice but to follow department protocols. He hopes this will be a lesson for all garden owners who choose to neglect their responsibilities in maintaining their property.

Disclaimer: We apologize for running such a graphic photograph. We felt it our journalistic duty to inform the public of the dangers mentioned in this story.


At 3:12 AM, Blogger Mandy said...

I liked the story. You are so creative.

At 8:52 AM, Blogger Lois said...

LOL!!! Your such a goofball!! If your investigators came to my house we would all be in trouble!!

At 9:24 AM, Blogger Jen said...

What are you using sister? What ever it is, put it in your cakes and share....LOL.

At 7:23 AM, Blogger sara said...

I needed a good laugh - you write really well! Ever thought of going to school for journalism or maybe go work for a tabloid? lol You're too funny! Good job!


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