No Wake Up Call Thank You, Just Set Off The Fire Alarm.....That Will Do
That's what I said this morning. If you plan on sleeping, don't stay in a hotel! Yesterday as we were leaving to search for a Wal-Mart, we noticed that the strobe lights for the fire alarm flashed and the fire doors latched shut. It freaked us out a little bit at the time. Spencer works with this kind of equipment and was pretty sure there was just a system malfunction. No fire. It didn't seem to faze anyone else either. When we started to open the fire door there was a maid with her cart on the other side. She said hello and walked past us. We figured it was really nothing but we did have to take the stairs. (Elevators are set to return to lobby and lock in fire threat.)
So any hoo we find said Wal-Mart, after getting directions from the Front Desk (oh sure this one is Albany!!!!!) LOL!! We had to drive 25 min. and into what we figured were the Catskills. The towns and roads here are crazy, that's another post. OK so getting back on track. We come back, we sleep, I wake to pee and then the fire alarm goes off.
So much for going back to sleep! The part the really stinks is, my kids were in a deep sleep that would have allowed me to get at least another hour. Rats! We looked out our window (overlooks lobby) and once again the staff was unfazed. Hmmmm...what to do. You don't want to go running and screaming like a crazy person and you don't want to stay too long without knowing for sure that's it's a false alarm. I wanted to go just in case but Spencer was sure that once again, there was, a system malfunction. As it turns out he was right. A bad detector was responsible for the strobes yesterday and the false alarm this morning.
I'm suprised that you had to drive 25 minutes to find a Wally World. Aren't those things like every 10 miles?
Hope you get more sleep tonight!
Yeah you know that is true in the Mid-Wes but here it's another story allllll together!!!!!!! There are like all these little boroughs and people drive to bigger cities for things like that via interstates. And in New Jersey or at least this town you can't pump your own gas. There are attendents at every pump.
I agree we even have a wal-mart in columbia city. You will have to let us know what wakes you this morning.
Sounds like all kinds of fun!! :-) How are the boys doing with all the travel? Are they having fun or are they ready to reach the desitination? Hope your day is a blessed one, love you all!
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