Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Could It Be?

We had a wonderful and blessed Easter, we hope you did as well. Sunday was also my niece Avie's second birthday! Such a big girl now!! (You can check out pics from her party at The Life In Pictures.) After Avie had finished opening all her presents my sister (her mom) and I spent some sister time on the sofa. We were all comfy with legs stretched out on the ottoman chatting, when suddenly I began to chuckle. (Consult photo, OK side note, if you don't know Winter has decided to stick around here and it's very cold. ) I realized that something seemed, well, a little off. You see, I am a bit of a sock rebel and tend to wear open toed shoes much much later in the year than "normal" people. I am constantly reprimanded by, well quite frankly, mothers, who I'm sure mean well. "Girl!" They say "Aren't you're feet freezing!!! You need to get some stockings on!!"

Even my sister has given me heck, a time or two. So you can imagine my glee when I glanced down and noticed that I , yes I, was the one wearing socks!! LOL!

OK, because my sister reads my blog and would *TOTALLY* sell me out, I have to admit that I only put the socks on because my feet *were* freezing after having worn open toed shoes to Easter service.


At 1:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love that shot of our feet! I think I like this angle of myself better! Just kidding! :-)

At 3:36 PM, Blogger Mandy said...

I think the picture is great. I can also see other people in the back ground.

At 9:48 AM, Blogger sara said...

I'm on your side girl! I love wearing open toe shoes! We will be mommy rebels together! Down with the shoes, except on my kids. :) I make them wear their shoes:) ok maybe I'm a hypocrit:0


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