Girls Have Cooties....Except When They Offer To Share Their Umbrellas
It was really cold, windy and wet this morning but I saw the sweetest thing that warmed my heart. I should explain first that for some reason umbrellas never survive long in our household. I haven't quite figured that one out yet! Anyhoo, I made Brock wait a few extra minutes before walking to the bus stop. I didn't want him standing out in the elements any longer than necessary. (You should also know he is the only boy at his stop.) He made his way to the corner where two sisters were covered in a rain jacket they were sharing. The other little girl who catches the bus there also, had an umbrella. I watched him, as I do every morning. Since there was more than enough room under the rain coat, I thought for sure the mother of the sisters would offer. She didn't! All of a sudden the other little girl turned to him and asked if he would like to share her umbrella. I saw him nod, yes, then walk under while she carefully held it there over both of their heads. It made me smile.
On a totally unrelated note I've added this link just for fun. My uncle sent this to me in an email. You may have heard this already but I thought it was cute!
Chinese Food Song:
SO sweet!!! That story warmed my heart, too! I think it's really neat that you watch Brock go off to school. :)
That's so cute! You should find that little girls Mom and tell her what a sweet girl she has.... that little girl is clearly more giving and mature than the Mom that was standing there, shame on that Mom.
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