I'm Back...I Went Potty!
Hi! It's nice to blog again. I just didn't have much time to blog last week. My post title does have a story behind it! When it happens that there are five Sundays in a month our church has what we call family day. It's where all the children's services are closed and the children sit in adult service w/ parents. It's a special time and our Pastor includes things in his sermon for the kids. For instance he may play clips of Veggie Tale movies that relate to his message etc. So yesterday was a family day. EVERYONE was in service! It was packed! We're talking three hundred plus people. About 15-20 minutes into the message Tyson started to become restless so Spencer thought is was a perfect time for a potty break. Brock and I stayed in service while Tyson and daddy went potty. (Now mind you everyone is pretty much quiet and giving most of their attention to pastor.) When Tyson and Spencer return and get to our row of seats , Tyson shouts out in a very loud voice "I'm back...I went potty!!" Oh my gosh it was soooo funny! The people behind us were just laughing . Oh the joy of parenting! He keeps it interesting that's for sure!
Check out our photo blog, we've updated!!
Too cute! Children are great at that sort of thing aren't they? Priceless!
So was it Spencer that yelled that or Ty? LOL. I have a story about Spencer and going "potty" with Jeff in a restaurant when we were younger. I won't humiliate them both by posting it, remind me to tell ya sometime.
Hhmmmm.... no new post yet? Geez, you act like you're busy or something, almost like you have house guests or something. Guess I'll just click out of here empty handed. ~sigh~ LOL
Ok so now I have to know which church you go to. We've been trying to incorporate something like this into our church and are looking for ideas/suggestions. My Pastor, his wife and I all want to come visit the next time your church does it so we can get some ideas!!!!
Sure enough! We attend Life Bridge Church. We are currently meeting at Perry Hill School on Coldwater Rd. We are in the process of building so we meet there for now. We'll be doing family day again in October. You all can visit anytime we'd love to have you!
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